some people say this color does not suit me ...
but I find this color beautiful, I love this color..
it balances my world :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Month by month

Ichsan dan gw lagi iseng berat en kurang kerjaan. Jadinya.. kita mikir2, apakah semua nama bulan dipake buat judul lagu? Yah dengan mudah sih kita nemuin yah buat beberapa bulan, kayak September-nya Earth Wind and Fire, ato November Rain-nya Guns N' Roses. Tapi gimana dengan nama2 bulan laen?

Jadi deh gw cari jawabannya dengan nge-Google.. daaannn inilah hasillnnyyaaaaaaa...

  1. January by Elton John
  2. Two days in February by Goo Goo Dolls
  3. Rose March by Smashing Pumpkins
  4. April by Deep Purple
  5. Maggie May by Rod Stewart (mungkin May di situ bukan nama bulan yah, sekedar nama belakang.. hmm.. whatever lah..)
  6. June Afternoon by Roxette
  7. July by Papa Roach
  8. August by Eric Clapton
  9. September by Earth, Wind, and Fire
  10. October by Evanescence
  11. November Rain by Guns N' Roses
  12. Long December by Counting Crows
Hehe.. silahkan dicari en didengerin yah lagunya. Enjoy!


  1. yg lebih keren ada mbak ... March of the pigs by Nine Inch Nails sama October by Collective Soul ... hehehe

  2. eh salah deng December by Collective Soul ... :D

  3. gimana kalo lagu2 yang berhubungan dengan permainan mbak misalnya:

    JIGSAW Falling Into Pieces by Radiohead
    Under The BRIDGE by Red Hot Chili Peppers
    CASINO Royale by Herb Alpert
    RICOCHET by Faith No More

    silahkan dilanjutkan lagi mbak.

  4. hehe.. iya lucu juga yah! hmm.. ada ga lagu yang berhubungan sama permainan CONGKLAK? :D
